Asheboro, North Carolina was dry for 58 years, but last summer the alcohol issue went to a vote. Sixty percent of voters cast for alcohol in the largest dry town in NC, so if you're passing through Asheboro or decide to vacation and see the Asheboro Zoo, you can now have a drink with dinner or pick up a six pack at a local convenience store. If you want harder spirits, you can buy a mixed drink, but you won't find an ABC store in town.
North Carolina is a pretty conservative state, depending on what area you're visiting. Laws do vary across the state. If you see a little bar or convenience store with lots of beer signs right next to a county line, it's likely that you're entering a dry county.
I remember the emotions running high here when they had a vote to have beer and wine in the convenience store. That did pass, but we had a Blue Law. You could not buy beer or wine on Sunday, so they put a broom handle through the handles on the beer cooler on Sunday. You could, of course, drive 12 miles up the road and get beer and wine - but only after 11 a.m. on Sunday. I suppose that was to encourage people to go to church first. We no longer have the Blue Law here, the ABC store was blocked.
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